Magyar Zsidó Múzeum
A Magyar Zsidó Múzeumot a huszadik század elején alapították, első kiállítását egy Hold utcai bérelt lakásban láthatta a közönség. Jelenlegi, önálló épülete 1931-ben készült el, a Dohány utcai zsinagóga mellé épített szárnyban.
Hungarian Jewish Museum
The Hungarian Jewish Museum was established in the early 20th century with the aim of presenting to the public the Jewish community. The museum’s first independent building was developed in 1931 at the same time as the Great Dohány street Synagogue and the plot next to it were put in order. The museum building was established by transfroming one of the wings of synagogue eighty years after its construction. The facade is in the same style and the interior reflects the most modern designs of contemporary architecture. The Museum became an integral part of the institutions of the Jewish community.