A videót a múzeumi audioguide részleteinek felhasználásával Bánfalvi-Orosz Eszter, a múzeumpedagógiai tartalmakat Dancz Vera készítette.
A videóban bemutatott műtárgy: Szédertál takaró További tárgyak a megjelenés sorrendjében: Képeslap Moritz Daniel Oppenheim: Képek a zsidó családi életből Kalácstakaró Szédertál takaró Továbbiak a feladatlapban: Szombati lámpás Fűszertartó Kancsó (lévita kanna) Gyertyatartó pár Emeletes szédertál Serleg Fali gyertyatartó
In the Jewish tradition, the breads used for ritual eating, the Shabbat challah and the unleavened bread consumed at Passover, the matzoth, should be kept covered before the blessing. This habit led to the development of Challah covers, Seder plate covers. The Seder plate cover embroidered with red, blue and beige silk thread is a beautiful example of cultural interaction. On both of the two post-stitched bases we see a framed picture, with a Seder evening scene on the right and symbolic objects related to ritual meals on the left.Above the picture on the right we can read the name of the owners: Yoel Samuel,and his wife Yachet. In the picture, the head of the family is sitting with a goblet in his hand, wearing the white robe, kittel, also worn during Passover.It is evident from his wife’s hands that she is lighting the festive candles.On the table there is a tiered Seder plate, and above the table a multibranched brass lamp used in Jewish households, the Judenstern can be seen. There are two more illuminators on the walls. The embroidered pictures are framed by tulips and pomegranates. This type of embroidery spread during the Turkish occupation. It was made primarily in noble mansions and later appeared in simpler households as well. The Seder plate cover, decorated with a Seder scene and a row of lilies and pomegranates, was probably made int he early 18th century.
Video edited by Eszter Bánfalvi-Orosz, educational content by Vera Dancz Translated by Eszter Cseh-Szilárd Object in focus: Sederplate-cover Further objects: Postcard Moritz Daniel Oppenheim: Bilder Challah-cover Sederplate-cover More in the educational content: Shabbat lamp Spice container Levite pitcher Candle holders Tiered Seder-plate Chalice Wall lighters |
September 2023